It is currently Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:04 pm

Balgas Dais

Connecting Zone
West Sarutabaruta
  • BCNM Name
Name Family Level
Prune Leech 20
Pepper Leech 20
Phoedme Leech 20
Searcher Ahriman 23
Black Dragon Dragon 25
Nenaunir Dhalmel 30
Nenaunirs Wife Dhalmel 30
Bitoso Crawler 31 - 33
Myrmidon Apu-apu Opo-opo 40
Myrmidon Epa-epa Opo-opo 40
Domovoi Mandragora 40 - 41
Opo-opo Heir Opo-opo 40
Myrmidon Spo-spo Opo-opo 40
Opo-opo Monarch Opo-opo 40
Dvorovoi Mandragora 45
Large Box Mimic 50
Medium Box Mimic 50
Small Box Mimic 50
Dromiceiomimus Raptor 50
Yagudos Elemental Elemental 52
Yagudos Avatar Carbuncle 52
Maats Avatar Carbuncle 56
Yoo Mihi the Haze Yagudo 60
Gii Jaha the Raucous Yagudo 60
Zuu Xowu the Darksmoke Yagudo 60
Cuu Doko the Blizzard Yagudo 60
Macan Gadangan Coeurl 60
Aa Nawu the Thunderblade Yagudo 60
Voo Tolu the Ghostfist Yagudo 60
Buu Xolo the Bloodfaced Yagudo 64
Nuu Kofu the Gentle Yagudo 64
Juu Zeni the Poisonmist Yagudo 64
Chaa Paqa the Profound Yagudo 64
Maat smn Maat 70
Maat whm Maat 70
Maat mnk Maat 70
Giant Moa Cockatrice 75
Queen of Batons Cardian 75
Queen of Cups Cardian 75
King of Coins Cardian 75
King of Swords Cardian 75
King of Batons Cardian 75
King of Cups Cardian 75
Gola Tlugvi Treant 75
Ulagohvsdi Tlugvi Treant 75
Goga Tlugvi Treant 75
Gilagoge Tlugvi Treant 75
Wyrm Wyrm 80
Atori-Tutori qm Humanoid 102

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