It is currently Sun Feb 02, 2025 6:31 am

  • Item
    For Sale
    Base Sell
Zone Mob Rate
Abyssea-Altepa Bonfire (86 - 87) 27%
Attohwa Chasm Will-O-The-Wykes (40 - 43) 100%
Attohwa Chasm Bifrons (74 - 76) 27%
Batallia Downs Ignis Fatuus (34 - 36) 27%
Bhaflau Thickets Dark Esquire (76 - 76) 27%
Bibiki Bay Ignis Fatuus (35 - 37) 100%
Buburimu Peninsula Will-O-The-Wisp (25 - 27) 27%
Cape Teriggan Enna-Enna (65 - 69) 27%
Carpenters Landing Glide Bomb (20 - 21) 27%
Carpenters Landing Spunkie (32 - 33) 27%
Carpenters Landing Will-O-The-Wisp (25 - 26) 27%
Crawlers Nest Puroboros (45 - 45) 27%
Crawlers Nest [S] Puroboros (69 - 70) 27%
Den of Rancor Bifrons (68 - 70) 27%
Den of Rancor Friar Rush (70 - 70) 27%
East Ronfaure Bomb (8 - 10) 27%
East Sarutabaruta Balloon (8 - 10) 27%
Garlaige Citadel Explosure (52 - 53) 27%
Garlaige Citadel Hellmine (59 - 62) 27%
Garlaige Citadel Kaboom (59 - 62) 27%
Garlaige Citadel Puroboros (43 - 45) 27%
Garlaige Citadel [S] Explosure (64 - 65) 27%
Gusgen Mines Spunkie (28 - 30) 34%
Gusgen Mines Feu Follet (35 - 38) 27%
Halvung Friars Lantern (72 - 76) 40%
Halvung Friars Lantern (77 - 79) 40%
Ifrits Cauldron Volcanic Gas (62 - 68) 59%
Ifrits Cauldron Volcanic Bomb (71 - 78) 49%
Ifrits Cauldron Bomb Queen (80 - 81) 41%
Ifrits Cauldron Volcanic Gas (62 - 68) 30%
Inner Horutoto Ruins Will-O-The-Wisp (22 - 25) 27%
Jugner Forest Will-O-The-Wisp (24 - 25) 27%
Meriphataud Mountains Will-O-The-Wisp (24 - 25) 27%
Mount Zhayolm Dark Esquire (76 - 76) 27%
North Gustaberg Shrapnel (8 - 10) 27%
Nyzul Isle Bomb King (75 - 80) 27%
Nyzul Isle Friars Lantern (66 - 68) 27%
Ordelles Caves Will-O-The-Wisp (23 - 25) 27%
Ordelles Caves Napalm (31 - 33) 24%
Outer Horutoto Ruins Bomb King (16 - 18) 100%
Outer Horutoto Ruins Balloon (8 - 10) 15%
Pashhow Marshlands Fox Fire (24 - 25) 27%
Rolanberry Fields Ignis Fatuus (34 - 36) 27%
RoMaeve Cannonball (66 - 70) 27%
Sauromugue Champaign Ignis Fatuus (34 - 36) 27%
South Gustaberg Shrapnel (8 - 10) 27%
The Eldieme Necropolis Puroboros (42 - 44) 27%
The Eldieme Necropolis Azer (51 - 53) 15%
The Sanctuary of ZiTah Puroboros (47 - 49) 27%
Valkurm Dunes Will-O-The-Wisp (25 - 27) 27%
Wajaom Woodlands Dark Esquire (76 - 76) 27%
West Ronfaure Bomb (8 - 10) 27%
West Sarutabaruta Balloon (8 - 10) 27%
Yhoator Jungle Puroboros (51 - 54) 27%
Yuhtunga Jungle Lava Bomb (47 - 49) 27%

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