Earn a Guide Beret and a Sprout Beret for recommending a friend
Teleport Crystals
Classic Limit Break Quests
Mapitoto can be found in Upper Jeuno
Field Manuals
Grounds Tomes
Login Campaigns
Goblin Dial - Character must be 45 days old
All xp rings are rechargable, including Caliber Ring
Website tools
Check auction house sale histories and average list prices
Manage your own listings from the web site
Return items to your delivery box
Update prices of existing listings
Item Database
Search for items to see what mobs drop them and what the drop rate is
Character profiles
Server census stats
Rewards Chest
Found outside the mog houses in each Port zone
After recieving your chocobo license, check the Rewards Chest to recieve your Chocobo Whistle, which can be traded to Maptitoto in Upper Jeuno for a Chocobo mount
Each month the Rewards Chest will bestow upon you a new mount
Upon reaching rank 6, recieve a Shadow Lord Statue
Unlock all advanced jobs up to TOAU and reach 10 days of playtime on the server to receive a Rhapsody in White which allows you to summon a 4th trust
Obtain Rhapsody in White and reach rank 10 in any nation to receive a Rhapsody in Crimson
After 15 days of playtime, the chest will reward you with Trust: Tenzen
Achieve rank 10 in the 3 nations to obtain a Tidal talisman with a reuse time of 1 hour
Atropos Orb (30 Kindred's Seals)
Contaminated Colosseum - Horlais Peak
Prehistoric Pigeons - Waughroon Shrine
Clotho Orb (30 Kindred's Seals)
Double Dragonian - Horlais Peak
Lachesis Orb (30 Kindred's Seals)
Eye of the Storm Chamber of Oracles
Operation Desert Swarm Waughroon Shrine
Themis Orb (99 Kindred's Seals)
Early Bird Catches the Wyrm Balga's Dais
Horns of War Horlais Peak
The Hills Are Alive Waughroon Shrine
New tags can be obtained once an hour
Rank Points
6 rank points are awarded for the first completion of an assault mission
3 rank points are awarded for repeating a previously completed assault mission
NPC Shops
Ezura-Romazura in Windurst Waters [S] sells Tier IV Black Magic scrolls for 75,500 gil
!cbcount - Displays the number of enemies defeated with the Chaos Bringer weapon
Other Features
Linux and Steam Deck friendly community
Dual boxing is permitted (limit 2)
Mobs in low level zones that were replaced with high level mobs have been re-levelled back to 75 era levels
Equipment above level 75 has been removed
Auction House limit currently at 100 listings per character
Dynamis Currency conversion rate is 25 singles for a 100 piece
Crafting skillup rate is increased
Crafting skill cap is increased - allows for 2 crafts to reach 100 per character