- To Our Top-ranked Competitors
Congratulations on a season well fought! Please be sure to collect your hard-earned ranking rewards from your local delivery moogle.
* Ranking rewards letters may take some time to arrive. We appreciate your patience.
* Please note that as of Season Twelve, the ranking system has changed. Read on for more details.
- To All Players Ranked Bronze or Higher
Well fought and good show! Your tier rewards may be claimed by speaking with the seasonal quartermaster at the Wolves' Den Pier (X:4.9 Y:5.7).
* Please note that Season Twelve tier rewards may be collected until the end of Season Thirteen. Don't forget to claim your spoils!
- Season Thirteen Preliminary Rankings
Players will begin Season Thirteen five risers lower than the rank at which they finished Season Twelve. Rising Stars will be reset to zero.
- Ranked Matches
Season Thirteen ranked matches will be hosted in the following data centers. Please register for ranked matches from the applicable logical data center.
Logical Data Center
North AmericanDynamisEuropean